The Holbrook Public Library Fund is seeking volunteers to join the Fund's Board of Officers. Read below to learn more about the Fund. If you'd like to volunteer, please email holbrooklibraryfund@gmail.com expressing your interest.
Holbrook Public Library Fund, inc.
The Holbrook Board of Library Trustees are pleased to introduce to the community The Holbrook Public Library Fund. The Trustees know that there are significant issues with our current library space. The Town of Holbrook has changed significantly since 1967 when the building opened and with more housing being built, will continue to grow and change. The building is too small for the size of our community and doesn't meet the current needs of a 21st century library, with a lack of meeting rooms / programming space, no quiet study areas, no group project space, and no storage. Additionally there are ongoing flooding issues of the one Meeting Room and the elevator, which makes the lower level not ADA accessible.
The Library Fund's priority is to raise money for capital expenses - like a new building, a major renovation, or perhaps an addition and renovation. They will do this through events, fundraisers, talking directly with donors, and reaching out to businesses and corporations. Their first goal is to raise enough funds for a feasibility study. The Library Fund is a legally registered 501c3 nonprofit organization solely dedicated to the Holbrook Library's future.
The Trustees would also like to thank the Friends of the Holbrook Library, another legally registered 501c3 nonprofit organization that helps the library. The Friends fundraise to help support current library programs and initiatives. They do this through ongoing book and DVD sales in the library lobby, as well as pop up sales, and major book sale events. Additionally, they do various raffles and sell items such as the current reusable bag (get one today - $10 at the library!). The Friends are always accepting donations of gently used books and DVDs.
While these two organizations have different purposes, they are both integral for funding the current and future needs of the library. The Trustees would like to ask you - yes YOU - to consider volunteering with one of these important organizations with your time, talent, or treasure.
If you are looking to get involved, or have any questions, "Team Library" 's contact info is below:
Library Fund: holbrooklibraryfund@gmail.com
Friends of the Library: friendsofholbrooklibrary@gmail.com
Board of Library Trustees: trustees@holbrookpubliclibrary.org
Library Staff: hpl@holbrook.ocln.org
Support the Fund:
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Holbrook Public Library Fund
Mail to:
Holbrook Public Library Fund
2 Plymouth Street
Holbrook, MA 02343
Current Officers and Directors:
Russell Eckel, President and Director
Joyce Davis, Treasurer and Director
Contact the Fund:
E-mail: holbrooklibraryfund@gmail.com
Phone: 781-767-3644