Community Reads:  This book group reads and discusses new popular fiction novels and typically meets on the 2nd to last Wednesday of the month. These sessions are usually facilitated by our Programming and Marketing Specialist, Patty Conway. Check our Programs and Events page on our website to see specific dates, times and additional info.

Learn more about the upcoming book and meeting here!


Murder & Mystery in The Library: This book group reads and discusses various types of mystery novels, such as cozy mysteries, capers, detective novels, etc. Meetings usually occur on the last Wednesday of the month. These sessions are facilitated by our Programming and Marketing Specialist, Patty Conway. Check our Programs and Events page on our website to see specific dates, times and additional info.

Learn more about the upcoming book and meeting here!


Nonfiction History Book Club: This book group reads and discusses nonfiction history books that can range from any time period to any place. Meetings usually occur on a Saturday early in the month. Meetings are facilitated by our Assistant Director & Technology Librarian, Kurt Jones-Falter. Check our Programs and Events page on our website to see specific dates, times and additional info.

Learn more about the upcoming book and meeting here!


Forever Young Book Club: This book group reads and discusses various young adult novels. Meetings are open to both teens and adults, and meetings usually occur on the last Tuesday of the month. Meetings are facilitated by our Youth Services Librarian, Steph Capuzzo, and our Youth Services Assistant, Gina Cullen. Check our Programs and Events page on our website to see specific dates, times and additional info.

Learn more about the upcoming book and meeting here!